SkinPen Microneedling

Nooks and crannies are cozy, but they do not belong on your face. As we age, our bodies produce less and less collagen, which allows lines and wrinkles to appear and also limits the skin’s ability to repair itself or bounce back so that scarring and skin discoloration increase. With microneedling treatments, we can address acne scars, wrinkles, stretch marks, and aging skin, while improving the efficacy of topical skincare products. By creating tiny channels in your skin, microneedling stimulates it’s natural ability to produce new collagen, which creates overall healthier skin. It’s a simple yet exceptionally effective treatment.


SkinPen MicroNeedling is a medical-grade, state-of-the-art precision procedure available through only medical aesthetic practices. Also referred to microchanneling and microtherapy, there is no better non-laser solution to address scaring than a series of microneedling treatments, which stimulate your skin’s natural ability to produce new collagen and create healthier skin. With microneedling, the skin’s repair process is accelerated through the formation of microscopic channels, which also allow products to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. Thanks to this natural process, you can reverse sun damage, improve scarring, decrease pore size, and improve skin’s tone and texture with a series of SkinPen MicroNeedling treatments.



Schedule your complementary consultation to learn more about the benefits of SkinPen Microneedling

Frequently asked questions
The number of treatments required will be determined by your skincare professional based upon your individual treatment goals and the health of your skin. You will see results in one treatment. However, it is recommended that most patients receive a series of 3 treatments spaced about 4 weeks apart for optimal results. For patients with very deep wrinkles, advanced photoaging, stretch marks, or very deep acne scars, the recommendation is to receive 6 sessions at 4 to 6 week intervals.
SkinPen MicroNeedling offers a natural solution that is safe and effective for all skin types and improves skin’s appearance through the body’s own healing and collagen production abilities. SkinPen MicroNeedling utilizes rotary needles and adjusting depths to create microchannels in your skin. By puncturing the skin’s surface with the tiny needles, the SkinPen MicroNeedling stimulates healing and collagen production so that new skin cells repair old blemishes from wrinkles to hyperpigmentation to scars.
A sterile, disposable cartridge containing 12 tiny microneedles is attached to the tip of the pen. A thin layer of topical serum is applied to the skin, and the appropriate microchanneling depth of treatment is selected for a particular type of skin. Then the pen is glided across the targeted repair area in a gentle motion. The procedure typically takes 30 minutes depending upon the size of the area and the severity of skin damage.
SkinPen MicroNeedling is extremely versatile and can be used on all parts of the body including the face, neck, décolletage, arms, hands, legs, abdomen, stretch marks and back. This versatility makes SkinPen MicroNeedling especially helpful when addressing acne scars on the back and stretch marks on the body.
The unique design of SkinPen MicroNeedling allows for individualized settings, which makes the treatment quite comfortable for our patients. Topical numbing cream is applied to the treatment area for 20 minutes prior to the procedure.
Immediately following the treatment, you will notice some redness and swelling. A tube of “Lift” and “Rescue” will be provided to you for your post Skin Pen care. Total healing time depends on the severity of the damaged skin and the depth of the repair process required.
One of the most exciting things about microneedling is that it can be used on all types of skin to address a wide range of problems, including any area requiring cell regeneration or an intense repair process.
SkinPen Microneedling